Admission & Enrollment

Never lose sight of a prospective student again. ParentLocker makes the admissions process easy and contactless for your staff and applicants.

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​Admissions, Automated from end-to-end

  • Start by creating Inquiry forms to share with potential parents and post to your website. New inquiries will automatically display on your admissions dashboard for your review and follow-up.
  • Applicants and prospective students appear on the admissions dashboard, making it easy to track and keep tabs on all applicants. Internal notes and updates can be posted in each applicant's admissions portfolio.
  • Parents can be sent forms to be filled in online. The information you have on-file already will automatically pre-populate for the applicants, and their account in your dashboard will update with the new information they submitted. Registration fees can also be collected via the forms.
  • Once the prospective student enrolls in the school, the account moves from the admissions database to your school's School Information System, marking the end of the student's applicant status.
  • The process is easy and automated - your staff will be able to streamline the process without needing to manually type in any parent data.

Online Forms and Applications

  • Create multi-page forms with text inputs, select drop downs, and file-uploads to share with applicants to your school.
  • Forms are pre-populated with the information you already have on file for the family and student, saving parents time.
  • Once submitted, the data inputted by the parent on the form automatically imports into their account in your ParentLocker database, so that your office staff doesn't need to type-in any data manually.
  • Accept payments with forms, such as application and registration fees.

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Admissions Reporting

The ParentLocker Admissions module helps your Admissions staff track and report on real-time admissions data.
  • Create detailed reports with information about applying and prospective students and families, as well as updated numbers for next year.
  • Identify grade levels with high or low applications, and determine class sizes for next year.
  • Break-down data based on admissions status, such as the number of applicants vs. the number of interviewed applicants with powerful querying.
  • Keep track of applicants' siblings for admissions outreach down the line.

The Admissions Dashboard

The Admissions Dashboard helps your admissions staff keep track of all applicants and potential applicants on an intuitive and informative board.

  • The dashboard classifies students according to their status in your admissions process, for example, prospective, applied, interviewed, accepted, etc, as well as applying year and grade level.
  • Applicants are moved between stages as their admissions status updates. Internal notes, as well as demographic data, can be added to the applicant's admissions portfolio.
  • The dashboard includes easy-to-read stats and charts, complete with updated numbers, helping your admissions staff analyze real-time admissions data.

Click image to enlarge.

Keep In Touch

  • Contact information of prospective and applying families automatically sync with the Email Blasts module within ParentLocker, allowing you to communicate with prospective families via email blast.
  • Invite prospective families to fill in forms online at different stages in their admissions process.
  • Write notes and reminders in an account's admissions portfolio so that your staff is more informed in discussions with applicants.
  • Once enrolled, all account data and information inputted to the admissions profile moves into the newly created SIS account automatically.

Best Educational Software out there! In addition to being intuitive, clean and quick Parent Locker requires minimum clicks to get the information you are looking for. Parents are enthused with the Student Organizer, easy PTC scheduler and online Admissions/Registration process. This will make your administrators, educators and parents very happy!

David Kramer, Executive Director, Yeshiva of South Shore

Registration, Too

All the Admissions features have complementary functionalities for use with re-registration and enrollment of current parents and students. A Registration dashboard, registration forms, and reports exist for current parents as well.

ParentLocker is the leading management solution for K-12 schools.

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